Mack Is Reet is the creation of essential oil blends. I give the blends Mackem names which resonates with peoples feelings and thoughts of why they need the product.

Are Ya Paggered Pet
3 essential oils blended together to aid a restful nights sleep £8
Vanilla, Lavender & Benzoin in Grapeseed base oil.

Nacky Neck Oil
A popular oil blend for those of ya who has a nacky neck. Get ya oil, rub it on, feel the benefit. Small trail, handbag or pocket size £8 or large 50ml £20
Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Turmeric & Ginger in a Grapeseed base.

Achy Hip Hinny
If ya got an achy hip, this oil blend will help ya hinny. £20
Marjoram, Lemongrass, Turmeric, Black Pepper & Ginger in a Grapeseed base.

Buggered Back
Do ya have a buggered back? Then this oil is for you. Roller ball for easy application. £20
Turmeric, Ginger, Lemongrass, Camphor & Marjoram in a Grapeseed base.

Runners Rub
A champion blend of essential oils to get the pins going before a run and help ease leg cramps after. £20

Achin' Arl Owa
What hurts? Arl owa? This blend can help with that. Roll on them muscles and let the oils do the work. £8

Im Feeling Toppa
A canny blend of essential oils to help ya feel toppa through the day. £8
Ylang Ylang, Lime, Bergamot in Grapeseed.

Chill the fuck out
If life is a tad stressful, then maybe a bit of this blended oil can help you chill. £8
Orange, Patchouli, Petitgrain, Ylang Ylang in a Grapeseed base.